Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The beauty of a ROSE!

My grandmother would be so proud of me about now! She grew roses better than anyone! Every year she grew a JFK white rose that smelled heavenly. All of these roses are TYLER ROSES! I can not believe how they are all blooming! I am beside myself which is why I am doing a double post today!
Thanks for visiting my garden!


  1. You have your grandma's green thumb!
    Lovely roses. Mine are just getting their leaves and I won't get my first bloom until June.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh - GORGEOUS!!!
    Sooo pretty!
    Love to you dear one!!!


  3. Good morning..these roses are so pretty. You have a green thumb, for sure.
    Out here in West Texas, my rose bushes are just beginning to leaf out and we won't get blooms on them until much later.
    I am so in love with your blue house...your cute posts...your whole blog...Hugh fan here!
    xo bj

  4. Beautiful! I can't wait for mine to bloom!

  5. Your roses are beautiful! We won't get any blooms til June. Thanks for sharing yours. Mimi

  6. Your blog is just lovely. I can't wait to spend more time looking back at previous entries. So inspiring. And, thank you so much for visiting with me. It touches my heart when someone new comes to visit. ~Blessings, Patty

  7. They are beautiful. Makes me miss all my rose bushes that I had when I lived in Vegas. Thanks for sharing.
