Sunday, March 8, 2009

oh my .... taking inventory!

Blessed Sunday to all...
I have been out in the yard this morning taking inventory of where to start! I know spring is here because my hosta's are poking thier head's up, all my ruffled ferns are sprouting.. and my vines are blooming.
I don't run the fountain's in the winter months-- so when I turned this one on this morning.. I smiled! The sound of the water trickling ... I know my time of year is about to begin.. and I LOVE IT! Let's take a walk!

Many empty window boxes! What shall we plant this season???

I love this fountain... I would say it is a mess!

This is outside LOML's office door... need to plant happiness.. what is left from winter is a rose vine. What a sad little planter!
WOW! I love mint, this is for the summer mojita's.. I can't believe I have this much already. Mint grows fabulous here in Texas.. you have to keep contained or mint will take over! (do you like my old weathervane) Looks like we will have plenty of mint for the yard parties!
I'll be in the yard today! I have gloves for all of you that want to join!!


  1. I'll take a set! just looking at the soil and ground in your photos is making me ache for NO SNOW!!!
    my greenhouse is getting along...I am not sure if I lost a bunch last night...the storm blew the door open and I am worried that they may have frozen! will have to see what they look like later on

  2. OH, you have got me SO excited to start workin' in the yard. I still have a ways to go as I'm sure that winter will rear it's ugly face at least one more time before Spring officially starts here. This weekend is just a tease!!!
    I love your blog and when I read your profile I realized we have alot in common! I too am a middle child (yes, I know what that means LOL!!) with a fabulous older sister and younger brother, and am the daughter of a wonderful mother. Also love to blog and work in the garden. Look forward to seeing more of yours! Thanks for stopping by my blog! ~Kim

  3. Isn't it great to get a start in the yard....Got my beds cleaned out and now I am ready for plants and more plants..
