Saturday, January 17, 2009

Look at the Treasure I found today!

Look what I found today!! Do YOU LOVE this picture? Found at Goodwill today! No price, went to the counter to ask when she said
"OH, HOW ABOUT A DOLLAR?" I was soooooo!! HAPPY!

I put it above my cabinet for now.. sure I will move it a million times.. looking for the right spot!

Something about these raspberries .. I just loved!

Think I got a bargain? Leave me a comment.. yes you love, no, give back to Goodwill, or keep it and make it work... (ohh and I know I need to spiff up that plate rack ... I want red dishes.. looking for them now!)
Peace to all..


  1. CUTE and definitely a bargain. Love the colors and of course the raspberries. I'm sure you'll find a place for it. They do have some red plates at Walmart. Not the cutest I've ever seen but still. Mimi

  2. You got a smokin' deal! I'd figure out a place to put it. It's not too bad above the plate rack but needs something with it and a plant to soften.....What do you think??????

  3. If you don't want it, I'll take it!
    But you'll find a spot.Especially after you get red plates. Nice eye.

  4. I saw cute red malamine plates at Target!

  5. I saw cute red melamine plates at Target!!

  6. Hey Valerie; Oh ya, you found a real bargain. Wow just a dollar, I love that print. It looks so great on top of your hutch. The berries really pop. Maybe set it on top of something to give it more height, and a green plant, or a bit of vintage lace to drape over one side of it.. I don't know just throwing out some ideas to you. But I do love where it is.... congrats on a great find...


  7. I'd say you definitely scored! What a great find! I love the little suitcase that belonged to your dear Grandma, but even more that you share her stories with your children.

