Monday, August 31, 2009

What do two doves together symbolize???

Saturday afternoon I made a run down to see Jo.. and found this amazing dove statue! The symbol of two dove mean an everlasting love and peace, it only seemed perfect to put these in our master bath! Aren't they pretty?
Have a great Monday!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mabel has a new home......

Thanks to each of you who entered my drawing! I loved each and every one of your comments! They made me smile! I love this blogging world, so many kind & genuine folks! So here we go ..... the winner of my drawing is .... (drum roll please!!! ) Darlene! Pop on over and say congrats!
Hugs and SmiLEs!!

PS.. Mabel - you will be missed!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Have the time of your Life today!

I am so stinkin' excited over all the comments everyone left! It was so much fun reading all of them.. and you all were so nice to me!! I am going to draw for Mabel tomorrow-- so all the folks reading today can enter my drawing! Do something crazy today!! Hugs to each of you!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Strutin' my Roosters! Come Along!+Win a Rooster!!

Rooster pillow on my sofa~
Little boy holding a Rooster on a sofa table in my living area!~
My Speckled Rooster- one of my favorites-a birthday gift from the kids.
Beautiful roosters above my dining hutch~
A rooster clock~ found at Goodwill!
My rooster lamp!
A Rooster welcome each morning in the dining area!
Texas Gal holding a speckled rooster - painted by Duda Daze! (love ya Diane!) and the rooster's on the shelf!! Found the pair at a garage sale or thrift store.. can't remember. and...... if you leave me a comment I will enter your name to win Mabel! Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to leave a comment to win Mabel - the Rooster above! hugs to all... Valarie

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Historic District....

Welcome to a few of my favorite homes in the historic district. When we walk or ride our bikes in the evening- these are my favorites for today anyway! Our District has many, many amazing homes.

Which house is your favorite?

Monday, August 24, 2009


I "HAD" to take a day off to take the grandson to his first day of school! It seems like yesterday when we were walking him to his first day of kindergarten!
Going junkin - hitting all my favorite spots -
Chat tomorrow!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Progress thus far......

Seriously have you ever tried to create a fun, funky, vintage flair space around a 47 inch man size flat screen TV? Well here is my attempt! I bought this vintage buffet from Jo, sanded and painted black. Yes .. I did paint OAK! Welcome to my work in progress! (click images for larger view) (please note that is baseball on the big screen.. are you surprised?)

NOW.. I NEED YOUR THOUGHTS!! What to put if anything on the left side of the TV? I am thinking of making this whole back wall filled with family pictures, mirrors. What else could I put! I am searching for a warm look like the corner wall?

Looking for all your suggestions and comments... Have a blessed Sunday!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Working on.....

Sneak peek of little project I am working on for the living area. Will finish the project this week- end -- More to come! What big project are you working on this week-end?
Holla back at ya tomorrow!

PS.. please ignore the messy shop in the background!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Say a Prayer for Mama~

All of you that follow my blog know that I love my Mama!! She is the most amazing mother, friend, and cheerleader to all of us! She is the glue that binds us all together! She is the mother of 3, grandmother of 5 and the great grandmother of 5!! Lately, she has been under the weather. Appreciate all prayers. Loves you Mama! Feel better soon!

Monday, August 17, 2009


We made it back safely, left the college student all nestled in the cozy dorm!
Missed you all- Happy Monday!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


We are heading out to Fayetteville to take Jonathan to the University of Arkansas!! As I post this blog you all know it is an emotional journey whether you are ready for them to leave the nest or not. It seems like only yesterday that I became his step mom - which was 7 years ago! I do not write this blog to pretend blending families is easy. It is not! However, Jonathan did make my role as step mom easy and I thank you Jonathan for that. We have had many laughs, many tears, many special holidays, amazing soccer games, basketball games, FFA stories, football games, argued over if has to clean his room (which he never did!), and drank plenty of his and my favorite sweet tea! The memories are endless and priceless I must say. All in all it has been a very good ride, I have been blessed to play such a small part in his journey.
ALL PACKED UP!! What will I do with this room now -- The hog will have to stay!!

Jonathan, I love you.. I wish you much success in the school of engineering! Don't forget the two things I tried to instill in you the last 7 years... live with respect and responsibility and you will go far.
BIG hugS!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

This will make you smile!

Our grandson Jack .. now 9 months old! Time flies by so quickly! Is it just me or does this ring true with you?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Do you have a pair of tacos?

Good day to all you- As you all know my grandson recently had the opportunity to attend Pine Cove Christian Camp. He had an amazing experience there! Pine Cove is on a mission to collect Tacos for Ticos. Let me explain~
Pine Cove Tacos for Ticos
Tacos = cleats
Ticos = Costa Ricans
(Spanish slang)
One unique and simple way that Pine Cove blesses Latin American campers is by giving them something they greatly treasure! Pine Cove has had the wonderful opportunity over the past five years to experience ministry in Latin America through Commission Camping. By equipping "Ticos" to play their most cherished sport of soccer with a new pair of "tacos," we can show them God’s love in a very tangible way.
I am collecting any cleat used or new, for a boy or girl, any size, that I can pass along for the mission. Please leave me a comment if you can donate and I will contact you.
Thank you!

Monday, August 10, 2009

and the winner is.....

I did not forget I was suppose to have the drawing yesterday, we delivered the grandchild to the final camp of the summer! SKY RANCH. It was a beautiful camp and I can not wait to hear all about it on Saturday.
Of course, we were first in line at the gate!! That is very important to a 9 year old because top bunk is a must! In his entertaining mode!
I thank you all for entering my drawing for pearls just like Julia's! DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!!
and the winner is...... Laura @White Spray Paint! Hop over and pay her a visit and congratulate her. You will enjoy her blog!
Congrats Laura!
Hugs to all~~

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Julie Powell -

Well.. while you all were sleeping last night... I was reading Julie Powell's blog till all hours of the morning! Yes, the real Julie Powell of Julie and Julia!! Click here to read Julie's blog! . I also read the reviews of the books.. and ordered a few!

I had much fun reading her blog! I hope you enjoy!
Bon Appétit!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

In honour of ... Julie and Julia! A strand of Pearls for you!

Go see this movie! You will find your mind wandering throughout the movie of all the things you could write about in your daily blog and also really make you wonder if your blog could be the next movie!! Let's see .. discovered for what.... inspiration under my label Junky Finds, or the "What is a Mimi?" label, or the stories of the kids (they would make a nice horror movie!) or the stories of LOML (nice love story!) .... or perhaps I should keep it simple and enjoy sharing my everyday life with you. I truly thank you for stopping by, you all inspire me to be a better person and I thank you for that!
To keep in the spirit I am going to give away one of my strands of faux pearls! Please leave me a comment if you would like to enter .. I will draw the lucky winner on Sunday!
Bon Appetit!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

new little mirror up-do... just for you!

Last night while shopping with my daughter Ashley @IKEA for her classroom goodies.... I spotted this adorable frame. It originally was a photo frame, but honestly could not think of any picture I had that large to insert! I had to have it! So, today I called upon my favorite glass and mirror guy - and ooh la la! The perfect whimsy mirror for my corner of the bedroom! AND ... THEN I thought should I paint it red?? Hummm!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hand Me Down Lamp

New little lamp hand me down from Mama! I have wanted this for so long... so thanks Mama for letting me bring back to the cottage! The pedestal it is sitting on is a Goodwill find.. which I love! You can take a peak through the mirror and see my rooster painted on the kitchen wall. Aren't hand me downs the best??

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Good Morning! Come on over ...

Let's have a yummy cinnamon roll, and head out the door to First Monday, going to stop by and see Tina and Laurie Anna. I will share the junky finds tomorrow! Enjoy your day!